澳大利亚农村家庭与Telstra的差劲移动服务作斗争, Rural Australian family fights poor mobile service from Telstra, despite company's coverage claims.
新南威尔士农村的Denyer家庭伙伴关系正在打击来自Telstra的差劲移动服务,尽管该公司声称网络覆盖面广。 The Denyer Family Partnership in rural New South Wales is fighting against poor mobile service from Telstra, despite the company's claims of extensive network coverage. 他们的病毒视频“帮助传播信息 - 血腥的 Telstra”突出了他们的连接困难,这扰乱了农业运营和紧急通信。 Their viral video, "Help spread the word - bloody Telstra," highlights their connectivity struggles, which disrupt farming operations and emergency communications. 尽管在4G助推器和Starlink上投资,但家庭继续遇到服务问题,说明特拉斯特的覆盖面要求与农村现实之间的差距。 Despite investing in 4G boosters and Starlink, the family continues to experience service issues, illustrating the gap between Telstra's coverage claims and rural realities.