高中表彰了包括 Dux 获奖者 Maddie Smulders 和 Emily Fraser 在内的优秀学生的 SACE 成绩。 High schools honored top students, including Dux winners Maddie Smulders and Emily Fraser, for their SACE results.
数所高中以各种认可方式庆祝2024年SACE班的成绩。 Several high schools celebrated their Class of 2024's SACE results with various recognitions. 在Millicent高中,James D'Onghia和Lily Francis获得慈善奖项,而Maddie Smulders在Gambier山高中被命名为Dux,获得93.35的ATAR。 At Millicent High School, James D'Onghia and Lily Francis received philanthropic awards, while Maddie Smulders was named Dux at Mount Gambier High School with an ATAR of 93.35. 圣马丁路德学院还表彰Emily Fraser为取得98.25年最高ATAR的Dux。 St Martins Lutheran College also honored Emily Fraser as Dux for achieving the highest ATAR of 98.25. 每个学校都赞扬学生的辛勤工作和奉献精神。 Each school commended students for their hard work and dedication.