在阿尔伯特学院第 167 届毕业典礼上,40 名毕业生获得了安大略省中学毕业证书;奥利维亚·蒙德尔获得了霍华德奖。 40 graduates received Ontario Secondary School Diplomas at Albert College's 167th Convocation; Olivia Mundle received the Howard Award.
6 月 17 日,40 名毕业生在阿尔伯特学院第 167 届毕业典礼上庆祝他们的成就并获得了安大略省中学毕业证书。 40 graduates celebrated their accomplishments and received their Ontario Secondary School Diplomas at Albert College's 167th Convocation on June 17. 获奖者中,奥利维亚·蒙德尔获得了霍华德奖,以表彰其在品格、学识、领导能力和娱乐方面所做出的贡献,她曾在阿尔伯特学院就读 14 年,并担任过体育和室内联赛的级长。 Among the honorees, Olivia Mundle received the Howard Award for character, scholarship, leadership, and recreation, having attended Albert College for 14 years and serving as Athletics and House League Prefect. 她在体育方面也表现出色,并且是乐队和合唱团的成员。 She also excelled in sports and was a member of the band and choir.