Enery 获得 €214.45M 贷款,以扩大罗马尼亚的可再生能源项目,提升其区域地位。 Enery secures €214.45M loan to expand renewable projects in Romania, boosting its regional role.
可再生能源公司Enery从三家银行获得21.445亿欧元的贷款,以扩大其在罗马尼亚的项目。 Renewable energy firm Enery secured a €214.45 million loan from three banks to expand its projects in Romania. 这些资金将支持现有项目的再融资、建造一个新的64.5兆瓦光电池项目,以及安装电池储存系统以加强电网稳定。 The funds will support the refinancing of existing projects, the construction of a new 64.5 MW PV project, and the installation of battery storage systems to enhance grid stability. 此举旨在加强Enery作为中欧和东欧可再生能源部门关键参与者的地位。 This move aims to bolster Enery's position as a key player in Central and Eastern Europe's renewable energy sector.