根据经修订的破产法,加拿大农产品种植者获得更好的财政保护。 Canadian produce growers gain better financial protection under amended bankruptcy laws.
加拿大新生产的种植者现在根据修正的破产法享有更多的财政保护。 Canadian fresh-produce growers now have more financial protection under an amended bankruptcy law. 对《破产和破产法》的修改建立了一个信托制度,以保障出售给合并企业的产品的价值,确保在买方提出破产申请时付款。 The changes to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act create a trust system to safeguard the value of produce sold to consolidators, ensuring payment if the buyer files for bankruptcy. 虽然该行业欢迎这一举动,但有些人认为,与向美国种植者提供的广泛支持相比,这一举动是不够的。 While the industry welcomed the move, some argue it falls short compared to the extensive support offered to U.S. growers.