AUSTRAC 起诉 Entain 涉嫌在澳大利亚违反反洗钱法。 AUSTRAC sues Entain for alleged anti-money laundering law breaches in Australia.
澳大利亚的金融监督者AUSTRAC对澳大利亚Ladbrokes和Neds背后的全球赌博公司Entain提出诉讼,指控其严重违反反洗钱法。 Australia's financial watchdog, AUSTRAC, has filed a lawsuit against Entain, the global betting company behind Ladbrokes and Neds in Australia, for alleged serious breaches of anti-money laundering laws. AUSTRAC 指责 Entain 未能对高风险客户进行适当的检查,并允许第三方存入可能掩盖犯罪所得的现金。 AUSTRAC accuses Entain of failing to maintain proper checks on higher-risk customers and allowing third parties to deposit cash that could obscure criminal proceeds. 如果被判定有罪,Entain可能会面临重大处罚。 If found guilty, Entain could face a significant penalty.