审计批评澳大利亚旅游业在265.6M合同中重大违反采购规则的行为。 Audit criticizes Tourism Australia for major procurement rule breaches in $265.6M contracts.
审计长的报告批评澳大利亚旅游业违反了英联邦采购规则,暴露了竞争性投标的系统性失败和合同中2.656亿美元的利益冲突声明。 The Auditor-General's report criticizes Tourism Australia for breaching Commonwealth procurement rules, revealing systemic failures in competitive bidding and conflict of interest declarations across $265.6 million in contracts. 审计发现,70%的采购缺乏公开竞争,没有任何合同有管理计划。 The audit found that 70% of procurements lacked open competition, and none of the contracts had a management plan. 虽然该机构同意9项改进建议,但承认需要更好地遵守采购规则,确保道德做法。 While the agency agreed to nine recommendations for improvement, it acknowledged the need to better comply with procurement rules and ensure ethical practices.