美国禁止在陆军Navy游戏体育场附近使用无人机,以确保62 000名参加者的安全。 The U.S. bans drones near the Army-Navy Game stadium to ensure safety for 62,000 attendees.
美国政府宣布在马里兰州兰多佛(Landover)西北体育场的陆军-海军游戏“无无人机区”, 禁止无人机活动, The U.S. government has declared a "No Drone Zone" for the Army-Navy Game at Northwest Stadium in Landover, Maryland, banning drone activity within a two-nautical-mile radius and up to 2,000 feet above the stadium. 这项限制旨在确保包括当选总统唐纳德·特朗普在内的62 000名预期与会者的安全。 The restriction aims to ensure safety for the 62,000 expected attendees, including President-elect Donald Trump. 违反者可能会面临逮捕、起诉、罚款和监禁。 Violators may face arrest, prosecution, fines, and imprisonment.