两名闯入者在北爱尔兰Dunmurry的一次入室盗窃中用锤子袭击了一名居民。 Two intruders attacked a resident with a hammer during a burglary in Dunmurry, Northern Ireland.
北爱尔兰Dunmurry的一位居民在星期天凌晨入室盗窃时被用锤子袭击。 A resident in Dunmurry, Northern Ireland, was attacked with a hammer during an early morning burglary on Sunday. 两名闯入者,其中一人携带锤子和扳手,在凌晨1时30分左右强行闯入住宅,袭击一名居民。 Two intruders, one armed with a hammer and wrench, forced their way into the home around 1:30 am, assaulting one resident. 虽然没有关于严重受伤的报告,但受害者受到震动。 Though no serious injuries were reported, the victims were left shaken. 警方正在从该地区寻求任何信息或闭路电视录像,以协助调查。 Police are seeking any information or CCTV footage from the area to aid their investigation.