特斯拉的Cybertruck Wows 位于SEMA, 具有越野潜力, 尽管有电池和体积问题。 Tesla's Cybertruck wows at SEMA with off-road potential, despite battery and size concerns.
Tesla Cybertruck在2024年SEMA展上显眼,展示了它在路外定制的潜力。 The Tesla Cybertruck made a notable appearance at the 2024 SEMA show, showcasing its potential for off-road customization. 凭借 35 度的接近角、28 度的离去角和高达 406 毫米的离地间隙,它引起了不同的反应。 With a 35-degree approach angle, 28-degree departure angle, and up to 406mm of ground clearance, it drew mixed reactions. 虽然其性能特征给人留下深刻印象,但人们对其在极端条件下的体积、重量和电池性能的关切依然存在。 While its performance specs are impressive, concerns about its size, weight, and battery performance in extreme conditions persist. 后期市场已经开始创建定制配件,以加强其越野能力。 The aftermarket has already begun creating custom accessories to enhance its off-road capabilities.