27000+Tesla Cybertruck 单位在不到一年的时间内售出,美国第三畅销型电动车,但销售可能放缓。 27,000+ Tesla Cybertruck units sold in under a year, third-best-selling US electric vehicle, but sales may be slowing.
Tesla的Cybertruck在不到一年的时间里卖掉了27 000多台, 成为美国第三种畅销电动车。 Tesla's Cybertruck has sold over 27,000 units in less than a year, becoming the third-best-selling electric vehicle in the U.S. 然而,由于最初的保留清单似乎已经用尽,销售可能放慢。 However, sales may be slowing as the initial reservation list appears exhausted. 现在,新买家几乎可以立即收到卡车,一些保留地持有者获得了非基金会系列模型。 New buyers can now receive their trucks almost immediately, and some reservation holders are offered non-Foundation Series models. 车辆价格从39 900美元猛涨到近100 000美元,可能使潜在客户望而却步。 The vehicle's price, which has surged from $39,900 to nearly $100,000, may be deterring potential customers.