在伦敦医院外开枪打伤一人;警方在现代Sonata寻找嫌疑人。 Shooting outside London hospital injures one man; police seek suspect in Hyundai Sonata.
星期六清晨,在伦敦健康科学中心维多利亚医院外发生枪击事件,造成一名男子无生命危险受伤。 A shooting occurred outside London Health Sciences Centre's Victoria Hospital early Saturday morning, resulting in one man with non-life-threatening injuries. 警方发现有证据表明一辆小卡车和医院大楼遭到枪击。 Police found evidence of gunfire on a pickup truck and the hospital building. 据信,这起事件不是随机的;受害者和嫌疑人之间较早的一次争吵发生在白橡树和Southdale公路附近。 The incident is not believed to be random; an earlier altercation between the victim and suspect occurred near White Oak and Southdale roads. 警方正在搜寻一名驾驶银色或灰色现代Sonata车的嫌犯, Police are searching for a suspect driving a silver or grey Hyundai Sonata and are reviewing security footage from the time of the incident.