Regina警察逮捕了Dwayne Maxie Dwayne Maxie 他因过失杀人被通缉 在Talon Lonthunder的死案中 Regina police arrested Dwayne Maxie, wanted for manslaughter, in the death of Talon Lonethunder.
Regina警方逮捕了26岁的Dwayne Maxie, 因与12月3日白熊第一民族33岁的Talon Lonethunder死亡有关的过失杀人罪而被通缉。 Regina police have arrested Dwayne Maxie, 26, wanted for manslaughter in connection with the death of 33-year-old Talon Lonethunder on White Bear First Nation on December 3. 在12月7日逮捕了Jeremy Whitebone之后,Maxie被捕。 Jeremy Whitebear, 在同一事件中被指控犯有二级谋杀罪。 Maxie's arrest follows the December 7 capture of Jeremy Whitebear, who was charged with second-degree murder in the same incident. 两人都预定出庭,Maxie定于12月16日在埃斯特万省法院举行听审。 Both are scheduled to appear in court, with Maxie's hearing set for December 16 in Estevan Provincial Court.