100多个圣诞老人为北湾食品银行募集了6000美元 在第六次年度酒吧爬行中 Over 100 Santas raised $6,000 for the North Bay Food Bank during the 6th annual pub crawl.
100多名身着圣诞老人服装的与会者参加了第六届年度北湾Santa Pub Crawl,为北湾粮食银行筹集了6 000多美元。 Over 100 participants dressed as Santa Claus took part in the 6th annual North Bay Santa Pub Crawl, raising over $6,000 for the North Bay Food Bank. 每个参与者都支付了50美元的参加酒吧爬行费,其中包括参观Portage、Gatep Brewing和Moose等地方场所。 Each participant paid a $50 fee to join the pub crawl, which included visits to local venues like Portage, Gateway Brewing, and the Moose. 组织者Jennifer Vigars对这次活动的成功和社区的支持表示满意。 Organizer Jennifer Vigars expressed satisfaction with the event's success and the community's support. 活动期间向粮食银行出示了一张3 600美元的支票。 A cheque for $3,600 was presented to the food bank during the event.