美国银行的一项调查发现, 超过半数的Gen X父母害怕为成年子女提供经济支持。 Over half of Gen X parents fear financially supporting their adult kids, a U.S. Bank survey finds.
根据美国银行的一项调查,超过半数的Gen X父母担心需要为成年子女提供经济支持,而所有父母的这一比例为37%。 Over half of Gen X parents worry about needing to financially support their adult children, according to a U.S. Bank survey, compared to 37% of all parents. 作为“桑德威奇”的一代,Gen X面临独特的挑战,包括教育、住房和医疗保健的高昂成本。 Known as the "sandwich" generation, Gen X faces unique challenges, including high costs for education, housing, and healthcare. 财务专家建议划定界限,以避免浪费储蓄和危及退休安全。 Financial experts advise setting boundaries to avoid depleting savings and risking retirement security.