Tenn的Selmer警官在答复报告后死亡;嫌疑人也在枪击中死亡。 Officer killed in Selmer, Tenn., after responding to report; suspect also died in shooting.
在田纳西州麦克奈里县,一名Selmer警察局警官被39岁的Daniel Jeremiah Holmes打死,他被另一名应答官员打死。 In McNairy County, Tennessee, a Selmer Police Department officer was fatally shot by Daniel Jeremiah Holmes, 39, who was killed by a second responding officer. 事件发生在12月14日,当时警官在New Bethel路上对一份可疑人员报告作出答复。 The incident occurred on December 14 after officers responded to a suspicious person report on New Bethel Road. 田纳西州调查局正在牵头进行调查。 The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation is leading the investigation. 警官的身份尚未公布。 The officer's identity has not been released.