尼日利亚毒剂缉获了价值数十亿奈拉的甲基苯丙胺和藏在加拿大汽车零件中的合成大麻。 Nigerian agents seized billions of naira worth of methamphetamine and synthetic cannabis hidden in auto parts from Canada.
尼日利亚禁毒执法机构在拉各斯和哈考特港海港查获了价值数十亿奈拉的甲基苯丙胺和“Loud”类强效合成大麻。 Nigeria's drug enforcement agency seized shipments of methamphetamine and "Loud," a potent synthetic cannabis, worth billions of naira at seaports in Lagos and Port Harcourt. 这些藏在加拿大汽车零件中的毒品原打算在节日期间分发。 The drugs, concealed in auto parts from Canada, were intended for distribution during the holiday season. 扣押行动是在数月的国际情报工作之后进行的。 The seizures followed months of international intelligence work.