尼日利亚的NDLEA缉获了4.40千克可卡因和其他运往欧洲和中东的毒品。 Nigeria's NDLEA seizes 4.40kg of cocaine and other drugs destined for Europe and the Middle East.
尼日利亚国家禁毒执法机构通过拉各斯和阿布贾机场截获了多批运往联合王国、意大利、土耳其和卡塔尔的毒品。 Nigeria's National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) has intercepted multiple drug shipments intended for the UK, Italy, Turkey, and Qatar through Lagos and Abuja airports. NDLEA缉获了运往联合王国的13包可卡因,重4.40公斤,以及曲马多和甲基苯丙胺。 The NDLEA seized 13 parcels of cocaine weighing 4.40kg destined for the UK, along with tramadol and methamphetamine. 该机构还在全国各地进行了突袭,查封大麻并逮捕了几名嫌疑人。 The agency has also conducted raids across the country, seizing cannabis and arresting several suspects. 这些行动突出了国家禁毒执法机构为遏制毒品贩运所作的努力。 These operations highlight NDLEA's efforts to curb drug trafficking.