警方在温哥华逮捕疑犯; 今年第10起杀人案涉及温哥华东部附近的年轻夫妇。 Police arrest suspect in Vancouver; 10th homicide case this year involves young couple near East Vancouver.
在Rupert街和Euclid大道附近的东温哥华发现一名20多岁的妇女死亡,一名同年龄男子受伤。 A woman in her 20s was found dead and a man of the same age was injured in East Vancouver near Rupert Street and Euclid Avenue. 警察已经逮捕了一名46岁的嫌疑犯。 Police have arrested a 46-year-old suspect. 这是今年温哥华的第10起凶杀案 与去年同期的13起相比有所下降 This is the 10th homicide in Vancouver this year, down from 13 in the same period last year. 当局强调不存在公共威胁,并正在寻求公众提供更多信息。 Authorities stress there is no public threat and are seeking additional information from the public.