爱尔兰政府机构报告说,从2022年到2024年,共有480多起数据违规事件,大部分是中低风险。 Irish government agencies reported over 480 data breaches from 2022 to 2024, mostly low to medium risk.
爱尔兰司法部记录了2022年至2024年间480多起数据违规事件,涉及丢失敏感文件、加密装置和未经授权的社交媒体访问。 The Irish Department of Justice recorded over 480 data breaches between 2022 and 2024, involving lost sensitive papers, encrypted devices, and unauthorized social media access. 在国际保护和公民身份申请等领域都发生了违反情况。 Breaches occurred in areas like international protection and citizenship applications. 在482起案件中,434起已经结案,4起在数据保护委员会处理,5起仍在审查中。 Of the 482 cases, 434 have been closed, four are with the Data Protection Commission, and five are still under review. 大多数违反行为被归类为低风险或中等风险。 Most breaches are categorized as low or medium risk.