印度外交部长批评「尼赫鲁模式」, 要求制定适合发达国家的外交政策。 India's External Affairs Minister criticizes the 'Nehru model,' calls for a foreign policy suited for a developed nation.
印度外交部长S. Jaishankar指出,“尼赫鲁发展模式”失败了,指出尽管自2014年以来为纠正这一模式作出了努力,但“尼赫鲁发展模式”仍对印度的政治和官僚机构产生普遍影响。 S. Jaishankar, India's External Affairs Minister, stated that the 'Nehru development model' has failed, noting its pervasive influence on India's politics and bureaucracy despite efforts to correct it since 2014. 他强调,必须制定适合发达印度的外交政策,强调自力更生的重要性,而不必将自力更生等同于保护主义。 He emphasized the need for a foreign policy suited for a developed India, highlighting the importance of self-reliance without equating it to protectionism. Jaishankar还引入了多代外交政策的要素,包括战略自主和扩大多极化,以应对不断变化的全球格局和武器化经济学。 Jaishankar also introduced elements of a multigenerational foreign policy, including strategic autonomy and expanding multipolarity, to address the changing global landscape and weaponized economics.