印度国会议员Shashi Tharoor批评PM Modi, Indian MP Shashi Tharoor criticizes PM Modi, focusing on current issues over past events in Parliament.
国会议员沙希·塔鲁尔批评总理纳伦德拉·莫迪在议会的讲话,敦促他关注当前的挑战,而不是过去的事件。 Congress MP Shashi Tharoor criticized PM Narendra Modi's speech in Parliament, urging him to focus on current challenges rather than past events. Tharoor强调,政府对印度人的现状和青年的未来负有责任。 Tharoor emphasized that the government is responsible for the current state of Indians and the future of youth. 他还指出了“一个民族,一个选举”概念的缺陷,并列举了一些历史例子。 He also pointed out flaws in the 'One Nation, One Election' concept, citing historical examples. Modi在讲话中批评国会破坏《宪法》。 PM Modi had criticized the Congress for undermining the Constitution in his speech.