国会领袖沙希·塔鲁尔批评印度政府将反对派成员排除在重要议会委员会之外。 Congress leader Shashi Tharoor criticized the Indian government for excluding opposition members from significant parliamentary committees.
国会领导人沙希·塔鲁尔批评印度政府没有任命反对派成员参加重要的议会委员会,认为这是不安全的迹象。 Congress leader Shashi Tharoor criticized the Indian government for not appointing opposition members to significant parliamentary committees, viewing this as a sign of insecurity. 他强调,与2014年不同,现任政府不愿与反对党分享权力,这损害了委员会在确保问责制方面的作用。 He highlighted that, unlike in 2014, the current government is reluctant to share power with opposition parties, undermining the committees' role in ensuring accountability. Tharoor指出,从历史上看,反对派议员领导着关键委员会,并质疑这一转变对印度外交政策形象的影响。 Tharoor noted that historically, opposition MPs led key committees, and questioned the implications of this shift on India's foreign policy image.