Gretel发现900亿英镑的未申报英国货币, 大部分是养老金, 许多人不知道他们的全额储蓄。 Gretel finds £90 billion in unclaimed UK money, mostly pensions, with many unaware of their full savings.
Gretel是一个帮助寻找丢失账户的平台,它报告有900亿英镑的未申报英国货币,有640亿英镑的养老金。 Gretel, a platform helping find lost accounts, reports £90 billion in unclaimed UK money, with £64 billion in pensions. 另一家公司雨滴发现,80%的工人不知道他们所有的退休金罐,有311亿英镑无人认领。 Raindrop, another firm, finds that 80% of workers are unaware of all their pension pots, with £31.1 billion unclaimed. 这可能影响到19%担心退休金储蓄不足的工人。 This could affect 19% of workers worried about insufficient retirement savings. 寻找失去的养老金,列出前雇主名单,收集国家保险号码等详细信息,并使用政府的养老金追寻服务机构进行联系。 To find lost pensions, list previous employers, gather details like National Insurance number, and use the Government’s Pension Tracing Service for contact information.