两名青少年在一场 34 英里的追逐后被指控,他们被盗的汽车撞上了护栏。 Two teens were charged after a 34-mile chase ended with their stolen car crashing into a guardrail.
在一辆丰田卡罗拉被盗后,一名 14 岁和一名 17 岁的少年在纽约 87 号州际公路上进行了 34 英里的警察追捕后被指控。 A 14-year-old and a 17-year-old were charged after a 34-mile police chase on Interstate 87 in New York following the theft of a Toyota Corolla. 当毒刺装置使车辆瘫痪,导致车辆撞上护栏时,追逐结束。 The chase ended when stinger devices disabled the vehicle, causing it to crash into a guard rail. 司机和两名乘客,包括一名 12 岁的孩子,受了轻伤。 The driver and two passengers, including a 12-year-old, sustained minor injuries. 这名 14 岁的少年被指控非法持有赃物,而这名 17 岁的少年则面临重大盗窃罪指控。 The 14-year-old was charged with criminal possession of stolen property, while the 17-year-old faces a grand larceny charge. 两人均已获释,并将在家事法庭出庭。 Both were released and will appear in Family Court.