前总统特朗普任命真相社会首席执行官Devin Nunes领导情报咨询委员会。 Former President Trump appoints Devin Nunes, Truth Social CEO, to lead his Intelligence Advisory Board.
前总统唐纳德·特朗普已任命真相社会首席执行官Devin Nunes和一名前美国代表领导情报咨询委员会。 Former President Donald Trump has appointed Devin Nunes, CEO of Truth Social and a former US Representative, to lead his Intelligence Advisory Board. 本理事会审查美国政府的情报活动。 This board reviews US government intelligence activities. Nunes, 一位有声的Trump支持者和前竞选经理, 现在面临关于他的资历及潜在利益冲突的问题, Nunes, a vocal Trump supporter and former campaign manager, now faces questions about his qualifications and potential conflicts of interest due to his role at Truth Social.