中央情报局提名的 John Ratcliffe 承诺去政治化机构 推动科技对抗中国 CIA nominee John Ratcliffe pledges to depoliticize agency, boost tech against China.
由当选总统唐纳德·特朗普提名领导中央情报局的约翰·拉特克里夫(John Ratcliffe)承诺使中央情报局非政治化,并加强其应对全球威胁的能力,特别是来自中国的威胁。 John Ratcliffe, nominated by President-elect Donald Trump to lead the CIA, pledged to depoliticize the agency and enhance its capabilities against global threats, particularly from China. Ratcliffe向参议员保证, 他将专注于诸如AI、量子计算等先进技术, 以及改进人类情报工作, Ratcliffe assured senators he would focus on advancing technologies like AI and quantum computing and improving human intelligence efforts, while also defending warrantless wiretaps to counter cyber threats. 尽管拉特克利夫(Ratcliffe)面临对过去政治上参与情报活动的审查,但预计将获得参议院的批准。 Despite facing scrutiny over past political involvement in intelligence, Ratcliffe is expected to gain Senate approval.