前中央情报局官员认为,在新泽西的无人机监视可能是美国的一个秘密技术测试;官员们轻描淡写了人们的关切。 Former CIA officer suggests drone sightings in New Jersey may be a secret U.S. tech test; officials downplay concerns.
中情局前官员劳拉·鲍曼认为 新泽西州神秘的无人机监视 可能是美国政府机密演习的一部分 可能是测试技术的一部分 Former CIA officer Laura Ballman suggests that mysterious drone sightings in New Jersey could be part of a classified U.S. government exercise, possibly testing technology. 拜登政府否认公众的关注, 声称无人驾驶飞机可能身份不明, 没有任何威胁。 The Biden administration has dismissed public concerns, stating the drones are likely misidentified aircraft and pose no threat. Ballman质疑缺乏透明度, 而白宫则表示他们需要更多信息才能采取行动。 Ballman questions the lack of transparency, while the White House says they need more information to take action. 共和党立法者也猜测到外国参与。 Republican lawmakers also speculate about foreign involvement.