津巴布韦国家军队总部的火灾造成重大破坏,但没有人员伤亡。 Fire at Zimbabwe National Army headquarters causes significant damage but no casualties.
周日清晨在哈拉雷的津巴布韦国家军队总部发生火灾,造成重大破坏,但没有报告伤亡。 A fire broke out at Zimbabwe National Army headquarters in Harare early Sunday morning, causing significant damage but no reported casualties. 消防员迅速控制了大火。 Firefighters quickly contained the blaze. 火灾原因正在调查之中,当局将在获得更多资料后提供最新情况。 The cause of the fire is under investigation, and authorities will provide updates as more information becomes available. 这一事件引起了对军事设施安全以及对军队行动的潜在影响的担忧。 This incident has raised concerns about the security of military facilities and potential impacts on army operations.