Harrisburg排的住宅发生火灾;没有受伤,原因正在调查。 Fire broke out in Harrisburg row home; no injuries, cause under investigation.
周六晚上9点左右 Harrisburg的Penn街 一连串的家发生火灾 A fire broke out in a row home on Penn Street in Harrisburg around 9 p.m. Saturday. 紧急服务机构作出反应,在晚上10时前控制了火灾,没有报告有人受伤。 Emergency services responded and contained the fire by 10 p.m. with no reported injuries. 火灾对至少一个家庭造成重大损坏,其原因正在调查之中。 The fire caused significant damage to at least one home, and the cause is under investigation. 如有信息,将提供更多更新。 More updates will be provided as information becomes available.