Ferry公司取消了马来西亚人的票价涨价,但外国游客的票价却继续增加。 Ferry company cancels fare hike for Malaysians but maintains increase for foreign tourists.
在马来西亚大陆Langkawi与Langkawi之间的渡轮公司Langkawi Ferry Line Ventures Sdn Bhd取消了马来西亚公民的票价涨幅, The ferry company operating services between Langkawi and mainland Malaysia, Langkawi Ferry Line Ventures Sdn Bhd, has canceled the fare hike for Malaysian citizens due to public backlash. 然而,外国游客的票价增长仍将在2025年1月1日生效。 However, the fare increase for foreign tourists will still go into effect on January 1, 2025. 这一决定是在马来西亚交通部和凯达州政府施加压力之后作出的,运输部长警告说,如果渡轮运营商开始为当地人涨价,他们就会失去柴油补贴。 The decision follows pressure from the Malaysian Ministry of Transport and the Kedah State Government, with the Transport Minister warning that ferry operators would lose diesel subsidies if they proceeded with the hike for locals.