新西兰取消了与韩国HMD公司为岛屿间渡轮项目提供的资金。 New Zealand cancels funding for Interislander ferry project with Korean firm HMD.
新西兰政府取消了对岛际渡轮项目的供资,该项目涉及韩国HMD公司新的铁路辅助渡轮。 The New Zealand government canceled funding for the Interislander ferry project, which involved new rail-enabled ferries from Korean company HMD. 这一决定于12月11日作出,并于12月13日公开宣布,此前,KiwiRail因费用增加而提出的供资请求遭到拒绝。 The decision, made on December 11 and announced publicly on December 13, followed a rejection of KiwiRail's funding request due to cost increases. 新西兰驻韩国大使在公开宣布前不久通过文本通知官员,尽管事先指示要谨慎沟通。 New Zealand's Ambassador to Korea informed officials via text shortly before the public announcement, despite prior guidance to communicate cautiously. 为了保护外交关系,没有提供进一步的细节。 Further details were withheld to protect diplomatic relations.