乌克兰总统Zelensky说,与俄罗斯的和谈取决于美国的选举结果,寻求北约的支持。 Ukrainian President Zelensky says peace talks with Russia dependent on US election outcome, seeking NATO backing.
乌克兰总统沃洛季米尔·泽伦斯基指出,与俄罗斯和谈的可能性取决于即将到来的美国总统大选。 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky stated that the potential for peace talks with Russia hinges on the upcoming US presidential election. 他表示希望美国采取有利的政策,支持乌克兰加入北约,强调西方支持在目前冲突中的关键作用。 He expressed hope for a favorable US policy that could support Ukraine’s NATO membership, emphasizing the crucial role of Western backing in the ongoing conflict. Zelensky注意到与特朗普总统和卡马拉·哈里斯副总统的积极互动,同时对德国由于俄罗斯的反应而不愿支持加入北约表示关切。 Zelensky noted positive interactions with both President Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, while voicing concerns over Germany's hesitance to support NATO membership due to Russian reactions.