一名27岁的妇女在星期六死亡,因为她的汽车撞到一棵树上,在巴尔的摩公路上着火。 A 27-year-old woman died Saturday after her car crashed into a tree and caught fire on a Baltimore road.
一名27岁的妇女于周六清晨死亡, 她的车撞到一棵树上, 在巴尔的摩北部公园大道着火。 A 27-year-old woman died early Saturday morning after her car crashed into a tree and caught fire on Northern Parkway in Baltimore. 目击者在医护人员到达前将她从燃烧的汽车上拉出来,但她在西奈医院被宣布死亡。 Witnesses pulled her from the burning vehicle before medics arrived, but she was pronounced dead at Sinai Hospital. 警察正在调查高速坠机事件,并向公众寻求信息。 Police are investigating the high-speed crash and are seeking information from the public.