一名男子在汽车后死亡,穿过红灯,坠毁,在费城起火。 A man died after his car, run through a red light, crashed and caught fire in Philadelphia.
一名30岁的男子在星期六凌晨2点15分 开着红灯后 在费城东北部的一场车祸中丧生。 A 30-year-old man died in a fiery car crash in Northeast Philadelphia after running a red light at 2:15 a.m. on Saturday. 他的汽车与一辆29岁的妇女车辆相撞,撞上一根杆子,在Algon大道和Rhawn街交叉处起火。 His car collided with a 29-year-old woman's vehicle, struck a pole, and caught fire at the intersection of Algon Avenue and Rhawn Street. 他被送往Jefferson Torresdale医院,但后来宣布死亡。 He was taken to Jefferson Torresdale Hospital but later pronounced dead. 费城警方事故调查处正在调查这起事故 The Philadelphia Police Crash Investigation Division is investigating the incident.