越南寻求成为一个具有120亿美元外国投资的大型半导体枢纽。 Vietnam seeks to become a major semiconductor hub with $12 billion in foreign investments.
越南正在从全球半导体公司吸引近120亿美元的投资,其中174个外国项目活跃于该行业。 Vietnam is drawing nearly $12 billion in investments from global semiconductor firms, with 174 foreign projects active in the industry. 该国的目标是成为半导体设计、测试和包装方面的关键角色,但缺乏芯片制造设施。 The country aims to become a key player in semiconductor design, testing, and packaging but lacks chip manufacturing facilities. Pham Minh Chinh总理强调需要支持性政策,包括投资基金,以促进研究和技术转让,并呼吁国际合作发展这一产业。 Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh emphasized the need for supportive policies, including an investment fund, to boost research and technology transfer, and called for international cooperation to develop the industry.