青少年驾驶员在Laura Devisscher及其狗被撞死后被车辆指控犯有杀人罪。 Teen driver charged with Homicide by Vehicle after crash that killed Laura Devisscher and her dog.
一名16岁的司机, 驾驶时速超过100英里, 被指控在6月17日发生在佐治亚州斯普林菲尔德21号公路上的车祸中杀害了劳拉·德维舍尔和她的狗贝拉. A 16-year-old driver, traveling over 100 mph, is charged with killing Laura Devisscher and her dog, Bella, in a June 17 crash on Highway 21 in Springfield, Georgia. 青少年在少年法庭面临各种指控,包括用车辆杀人、轻率驾驶和虐待动物。 The teenager faces charges including Homicide by Vehicle, Reckless Driving, and Cruelty to Animals in juvenile court. 警长办公室强调家长需要与青少年司机讨论危险和限制。 The sheriff's office emphasizes the need for parents to discuss the dangers and restrictions with their teenage drivers.