A Staffordshire Bull Terrier在博尔顿被发现身亡,伤势严重,促使斯普斯卡共和国警察管理局进行调查。 A Staffordshire Bull Terrier with severe injuries was found dead in Bolton, prompting an RSPCA investigation.
在博尔顿Jumbles Reservoir发现一名年轻女性Staffordshire Bull Terrier在Jumbles Reserrier死亡,发现头部严重受伤的迹象和一只断眼,表明存在可疑情况。 A young female Staffordshire Bull Terrier was found dead in Jumbles Reservoir in Bolton, showing signs of severe head injuries and a prolapsed eye, suggesting suspicious circumstances. 这只狗没有被缩微胶片,使调查复杂化。 The dog was not microchipped, complicating the investigation. RSPCA 正在呼吁提供公共信息以帮助他们进行调查,可以拨打 0300 123 8018 联系,并引用事件编号 01400488。 The RSPCA is appealing for public information to aid their inquiry and can be contacted at 0300 123 8018, quoting incident number 01400488.