斯里兰卡的议长因被控假冒博士学位而辞职, Sri Lanka's Speaker resigns amid accusations of fake doctorate, first in the nation's history.
斯里兰卡议长阿索卡·兰瓦拉(Asoka Ranwala)在面对伪造学历的指控后辞职, Sri Lanka's Speaker Asoka Ranwala resigned after facing accusations of falsifying his educational qualifications, marking the first time a Speaker has stepped down in the country's history. 主要反对党Samagi Jana Balawegaya指控Ranwala谎称拥有博士学位。 The main opposition party, Samagi Jana Balawegaya, accused Ranwala of falsely claiming a doctorate. 议会将于12月17日选出一位新议长。 Parliament will elect a new Speaker on December 17.