SFMTA的运输主任Jeffrey Tumlin因预算赤字和未完成的项目辞职。 SFMTA's Director of Transportation, Jeffrey Tumlin, resigns amid budget deficits and unfinished projects.
旧金山市交通局(SFMTA)运输局局长Jeffrey Tumlin将于12月31日辞职, Jeffrey Tumlin, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency's (SFMTA) Director of Transportation, is resigning on December 31, ending a tenure marked by pandemic challenges and infrastructure projects like the Central Subway and Van Ness Bus Rapid Transit lanes. 该机构面临预算赤字,收入比人口流行前水平低16%。 The agency faces a budget deficit, with revenues 16% lower than pre-pandemic levels. 朱莉·基尔希鲍姆将担任代理主任,直到当选市长丹尼尔·卢里任命长期替代者为止。 Julie Kirschbaum will serve as acting director until Mayor-elect Daniel Lurie appoints a permanent replacement.