七人,包括一名巴基斯坦恐怖分子,在印度因协助好战团体而被指控。 Seven people, including a Pakistani terrorist, are charged in India for aiding militant groups.
七人,包括一名来自巴基斯坦的恐怖分子,在查谟和克什米尔Doda区被指控通过提供食品和后勤援助支持好战团体。 Seven individuals, including a terrorist from Pakistan, have been charged in Jammu and Kashmir's Doda district for supporting militant groups by providing food and logistical aid. 向NIA法院提起的指控包括违反《(防止)非法活动法》。 The charges, filed with the NIA court, include violations of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. 警察正在进行监测,旨在查明与破坏支助网络和维护该区域和平的好战分子有联系的其他个人。 The police are monitoring and aiming to identify other individuals linked to militancy to dismantle support networks and maintain peace in the region.