圣何塞消防员从蒙特里公寓的火灾中救出居民,据报至少有1人受伤。 San Jose firefighters rescued residents from a fire at Monterey Apartments, with at least one injury reported.
圣何塞消防员在周五晚上从蒙特里公寓的火灾中救出了多名居民。 San Jose firefighters rescued multiple residents from a fire at the Monterey Apartments on Friday evening. 下午5时49分左右起火,下午6时18分被控制住。 至少有一人受伤,但没有说明受伤程度。 The fire broke out around 5:49 p.m. and was contained by 6:18 p.m. At least one person was injured, though the extent of the injury is not specified. 该地区的交通受到影响,有关当局仍在调查火灾原因。 Traffic in the area was impacted, and authorities are still investigating the cause of the fire.