普里扬卡·甘地·瓦德拉(Priyanka Gandhi Vandra)领导国会议员抗议为遭到致命山崩袭击的Wayanad提供一揽子救济计划。 Priyanka Gandhi Vadra leads MPs in protesting for a relief package for Wayanad, hit by deadly landslides.
国会议员普里扬卡·甘地·瓦德拉(Priyanka Gandhi Vadra)与喀拉拉邦其他国会议员一起在印度议会外发起抗议, Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra led a protest outside India's Parliament with other Kerala MPs, demanding a relief package for the landslide-affected region of Wayanad. 抗议是在据称中央政府以政治理由拒绝为复原提供必要的资金之后发生的。 The protest comes after the central government allegedly refused to provide necessary funds for rehabilitation, citing political reasons. 7月30日发生在Wayanad的山崩造成300多人死亡和广泛破坏。 The landslide in Wayanad on July 30 caused over 300 deaths and widespread destruction. 甘地强调,在提供救灾援助方面不应有任何歧视。 Gandhi emphasized that there should be no discrimination in providing disaster relief.