拉胡尔·甘地 (Rahul Gandhi) 举行了一次虚拟会议,讨论瓦亚纳德山体滑坡恢复和支持旅游业。 Rahul Gandhi held a virtual meeting to discuss Wayanad landslide recovery and support tourism.
人民院反对党领袖拉胡尔·甘地 (Rahul Gandhi) 举行了一次虚拟会议,讨论喀拉拉邦瓦亚纳德 (Wayanad) 在 7 月致命山体滑坡后的恢复工作。 Rahul Gandhi, Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha, held a virtual meeting to discuss recovery efforts in Wayanad, Kerala, following July's deadly landslides. 他敦促恢复旅游业,以支持当地生计,强调山崩是局部的,该地区对游客来说仍然安全。 He urged for revitalization of tourism to support local livelihoods, emphasizing that the landslides were localized and the area remains safe for visitors. 甘地强调了更好地协调救济工作的重要性,并赞扬社会福利组织在危机期间所作的贡献。 Gandhi highlighted the importance of better coordination in relief efforts and praised the contributions of social welfare organizations during the crisis.