查塔姆-肯特警方在解决抢劫案和醉酒驾车事件方面寻求帮助。 Police in Chatham-Kent seek help in solving a robbery and address a drunk driving incident.
查塔姆-肯特警方正在寻求帮助,解决周六清晨1时30分至2时在伊利街南面惠特利发生的抢劫案。 Chatham-Kent police are seeking help to solve a robbery in Wheatley that occurred early Saturday morning between 1:30 and 2 a.m. on Erie Street South. 嫌犯被看见穿着一件明亮的橙色建筑大衣,仍然逍遥法外。 The suspect, seen wearing a bright orange construction coat, remains at large. 警察说这起事件是孤立的,不是公共安全的威胁。 Police say the incident is isolated and not a public safety threat. 在另一起事件中,一名21岁男子因驾驶两台平板轮胎的受损车辆被拦住,并被发现超过法定的酒精限量。 In another incident, a 21-year-old man was stopped for driving a damaged vehicle with two flat tires and was found to be over the legal alcohol limit.