Patrick Bailey,Hillsborough县共和党前司库,因涉嫌盗窃14 400美元而被捕。 Patrick Bailey, ex-treasurer of the Hillsborough County Republican Party, arrested for alleged $14,400 theft.
Patrick Bailey, Hillsborough县共和党前司库,因据称从该党账户上偷窃14 400美元而被逮捕。 Patrick Bailey, the former treasurer of the Hillsborough County Republican Party, was arrested for allegedly stealing $14,400 from the party's account. 他自己写了支票,并将资金转入个人账户。 He wrote himself checks and transferred funds to his personal account. Bailey面临重大盗窃的指控 并在党的账簿上作假记 Bailey faces charges of grand theft and making false entries in the party's books. 司库的职位目前空缺,当调查继续进行时,该党没有发表评论。 The treasurer position is currently vacant, and the party is not commenting as the investigation continues. Chad Chronister警长强调了对社区的信任和正直的重要性。 Sheriff Chad Chronister emphasized the importance of trust and integrity in the community.