前本顿县税务评估员Shannon Wilburn被控贪污,被控挪用30多万美元。 Former Benton County tax assessor Shannon Wilburn charged with embezzlement for allegedly misappropriating over $300,000.
密西西比州本顿县前税务评估员香农·威尔伯恩 (Shannon Wilburn) 因涉嫌从该县税务官办公室挪用超过 300,000 美元而被指控挪用公款。 Shannon Wilburn, a former tax assessor in Benton County, Mississippi, has been charged with embezzlement for allegedly misappropriating over $300,000 from the county's Tax Collector's office. 州审计长Shad White宣布了指控,强调与检察官合作。 State Auditor Shad White announced the charges, emphasizing collaboration with prosecutors. 如果被判有罪,Wilburn可能会面临高达5 000美元的罚款和20年监禁。 If convicted, Wilburn could face fines up to $5,000 and a 20-year prison sentence. 国家审计局鼓励举报涉嫌欺诈行为。 The State Auditor's Office encourages reporting suspected fraud.