Mohammed Khan因向联合王国Smethwick的一名男子发射机关枪被判处15.5年徒刑。 Mohammed Khan sentenced to 15.5 years for firing a machine gun at a man in Smethwick, UK.
Mohammed Khan,29岁,因于2021年9月6日在联合王国Smethwick向一名男子发射Skorpion冲锋枪,被判处15.5年徒刑。 Mohammed Khan, 29, was sentenced to 15.5 years in prison for firing a Skorpion submachine gun at a man in Smethwick, UK, on September 6, 2021. 枪声损坏了一座房屋和一辆停泊的汽车,但没有人受伤。 The gunfire damaged a house and a parked car but caused no injuries. Khan和他的团伙乘租用的劳斯莱斯-罗伊斯逃跑,帮助警察指认他为嫌疑人。 Khan and his group fled in a rented Rolls-Royce, which helped police identify him as a suspect. 定罪是 " 目标行动 " 的一部分,目的是减少严重的有组织犯罪。 The conviction is part of Operation Target, aimed at reducing serious and organized crime.