20岁的巴基斯坦加拿大人Khan因据称计划与哈马斯袭击周年纪念活动有关的对布鲁克林犹太中心进行大规模枪击而被捕,并因试图支持伊斯兰国而面临指控。 20-year-old Pakistani Canadian, Khan, was arrested for allegedly planning a mass shooting at a Brooklyn Jewish center, linked to anniversary of Hamas attacks, and faces charges for attempting to support ISIS.
Muhammad Shahzeb Khan, 20岁,巴基斯坦公民,居住在加拿大,于9月4日被捕,据称他计划对纽约布鲁克林的犹太中心进行大规模射击。 Muhammad Shahzeb Khan, a 20-year-old Pakistani citizen residing in Canada, was arrested on September 4 for allegedly planning a mass shooting at a Jewish center in Brooklyn, New York. 这次袭击旨在与哈马斯10月7日袭击一周年同时发生。 The attack was intended to coincide with the one-year anniversary of the October 7 Hamas attacks. Khan被指控试图向伊斯兰国提供物质支持,如果被定罪,他可能面临长达20年的监禁。 Khan has been charged with attempting to provide material support to ISIS, and if convicted, he could face up to 20 years in prison.