密歇根州总检察长上诉 恢复对军官的指控 罪名是没有干预 限制男子的殴打。 Michigan's Attorney General appeals to reinstate charges against officers for not intervening in a restrained man's assault.
密歇根州总检察长Dana Nessel提出上诉,要求恢复对密歇根州警察一名警员和两名Saginaw警官的指控,因为他们没有干预据称一名戴手铐的人遭到另一名警员殴打的事件。 Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has appealed to reinstate charges against a Michigan State Police trooper and two Saginaw police officers for not intervening in an incident where a handcuffed man was allegedly assaulted by another officer. 这些指控先前被驳回,但Nessel认为,军官本应该保护此人不受伤害。 The charges were previously dismissed, but Nessel argues the officers should have protected the man from harm. 此案现在将由Saginaw县第10巡回法院审理。 The case will now be heard in the 10th Circuit Court in Saginaw County.